Definition of abdominal squares

Men who have developed hypertrophy (enlargement) of their breasts may experience a series of problems, mainly for cosmetic reasons. There are surgical procedures to improve the appearance of the breasts, including, among other alternatives, subcutaneous mastectomy (removal of all the glandular breast tissue) and liposuction (aspiration of fatty tissue at the breast level).

The best candidates for the procedure are patients who are mature enough to understand the procedure and have realistic expectations about the outcome. There are several different surgical techniques to reduce and shape the breasts. There are both risks and complications associated with the surgical procedure.

Alternative Treatments

Surgical treatment of gynecomastia is an elective surgical intervention. The alternative treatment could be not to carry out the intervention. In selected patients, only liposuction can be performed to reduce the size of the breasts, while other cases will require a subcutaneous mastectomy, or a combination of both procedures. Your plastic surgeon will guide you on the alternative that in his opinion best applies to your case, so that you can assess it. There are potential risks and complications associated with all surgical forms of treatment.


The consultations with the anesthetist and the surgeon, as well as the preoperative examinations, allow us to anticipate the risks and complications of a gynecomastia intervention.

The preoperative instructions must be observed, such as giving up tobacco and the total eviction of taking aspirin. Rigorous postoperative follow-up is essential.

Among the risks are complications due to anesthesia or surgery, such as thromboembolic risks (phlebitis and pulmonary embolism), the appearance of a hematoma, an infection, a hemorrhage, necrosis of the areola (exceptional), a defect of the result and an unfavorable evolution of the scars.

Post operative care

  • A responsible adult should drive you home after surgery and provide support for 1-2 days.
  • Get enough rest.
  • Follow a balanced diet.
  • Lower level of activity can cause constipation.
  • Be sure to increase your fluid intake.
  • Take pain medications as directed. Avoid aspirin or any product that contains it.
  • Do not drink alcohol when you are taking pain medicine.
  • Even if you don't take medicine, avoid alcohol for 3 weeks, it can cause fluid retention.
  • Do not smoke. Smoking delays healing and increases the risk of complications.
  • Start walking as soon as possible, this reduces swelling and decreases the chance of blood clots.
  • Do not drive a car until you have complete mobility with your arms 2-6 weeks.
  • Avoid vigorous activity for 2-6 weeks. Gradually increase activity level as tolerated.
  • Avoid lifting weights greater than 5 pounds for 2 weeks.
  • Return to work and social activities in 2-4 weeks (if effortless).
  • Limit your exercises to walking and stretching until your energy returns to previous levels.

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